我观看了全日食_750字相关作文:我观看了全日食_750字范文内容如下: Today, I saw day total eclipse. Mom says today's day total eclipse can be hundred years encounter inaccessibly. I am really lucky, in I am 6 years old when saw. Just began, of the sun above seemed to be bitten by who, was short of a bit. Slowly breach greatened, the sun resembles a moon. The sky is darker and darker. When I watch the sun again, he had become hook. Gradually, gradually, became brow again. The day is black came down, I see the sky appeared a glistening star. I fear a bit, thanks to there are a lot of uncle aunts above the playground. At that time, I see the moon became a cirque, resemble a ring. Had come over a little while, talent gradually shined, the sun resembles brow again. But, the brow before I discover the day is black comes over, and at that time brow is coming over. Slowly slowly, the sun resembles hook again, fatter and fatter, fatter and fatter, became again at ordinary times appearance. 我观看了全日食_750字内容来源于网络,剑花作文网仅作公益范文演示,版权归我观看了全日食_750字原作者所有,如有不妥,请联系站长删除处理